Alicja Jarosławska,
Bildau & Bussmann Polska SP. zo. o.
Aurore Chambert,
Bildau & Bussmann France S.A.R.L.,
Ruy Montceau
Felix Bildau, Berlin
Maximilan Bildau, Berlin
Martin Bildau, Berlin
Oumaima Fawzi, Bildau & Bussmann Maroc
S.A.R.L.A.U., Casablanca, Marokko
Angelika Strauss, Bildau & Bussmann
North America GmbH, Montreal, Kanada

About us

Bildau & Bussmann began as a traditional carpentry business and has remained true to the roots of the craft as well as to wood as a material. We are an owner-managed, traditional family business placing the highest priority on sustainability. This applies not only to our use of materials, but also to our corporate culture:

We have found that efficient and gratifying work must be fostered by a framework in which everyone feels comfortable, understood and valued – this applies to both our customers and our employees.

Complex projects in particular command close cooperation with each other in order to achieve optimal results.
International business dealings can present additional challenges of language and cultural barriers. For this reason, we attach great importance to providing our customers with employees from their respective countries. Projects are always approached and developed in the context of their original environment to achieve the best results.

We do not perceive ourselves as a mere window manufacturer: our great strength lies – in addition to production – in consulting and planning, as well as in after-sales service. We prefer to see ourselves as companions to our customers and their respective projects rather than as a supplier. In keeping, we focus on establishing and maintaining healthy, long-term customer relationships.

In addition to a high level of personnel commitment, we invest heavily in software development in order to offer our customers all the advantages of digitalization for efficient and accurate communication from project planning to
after-sales service.

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